Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!
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Thursday, March 31, 2005RipperFound via The Ripper's website. His professional vocal debut with Winter's Bane is still available. Ripper's new side project is called Beyond Fear. Not a lot of details yet but his demo was recorded with members of The Sickness a local Nu-Metal tribute band. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, March 29, 2005Webbies
In my search for more good webcomics, I came upon Sinister Bedfellows. But what is even more interesting is how it is hosted.
Keenspace is free web hosting for webcomics. I better go now, Destiny is pounding on the back door! It appears it is RSS enabled. (That is Keenspace, not my door or destiny for that matter! Ha ha! At least not that I know of. LOL.) I've got a few scripts done now, thinking of calling my comic Unwanted Brain. But not sure if that's catchy enough. ![]() ![]() Line
"God money, I'll do anything for you." --Nine Inch Nails
So, I read this line in a poetry mag the other day. But I forgot to document who wrote it/where it came from....hopefully I can find it again. "But the breeze through the window is God. Powerful. Maybe too powerful. ![]() ![]() Chap
"So, I ran faster. But he caught me here. Yes my loyalty is turned like my ankle...these precious things let them bleed. Let them wash away." --Tori Amos
I believe my first Chapbook will be titled Rational Animal Volume I: One Night Pig. Nifty title eh? :) I'm preparing it to be done in time for Free Zine Day. More later. ![]() ![]() Cymbalta?
"I'm not in love. But I'm gonna F@#@ You, until something better comes along." --Marilyn Manson
Since the doctor prescribed Cymbalta does that mean I'm depressed? No shit! I paid someone how much to tell me I suffer from depression? And what the hell is anxiety disorder any-fricking-way? I think I'm going to rip the doctor's head off and shit in the stump. Maybe if I'm lucky I won't grow tits with Cymbalta like I did with the last anti-depressant I took. God, if you're listening, I'm giving my genetics back man. They're defective! Way defective. Call 9-11, I've been robbed. No fair Holy Dude. I'm not talking to you anymore. Or at least not until you give me back my peace. And my fucking ideas. ![]() ![]() Sunday, March 27, 2005A Few More Things
And still a few more things that I find blogworthy.
Warren will be doing 13 microfiction pieces again. He announced it here and here. Why he just doesn't post them on his website, I'm not sure. As of yet, he hasn't announced the stories there either. Sometimes, I can't figure the guy out. True genius can never be understood. Meet James Dilworth. Creator of the zine: Non Creative Garbage. This is his very cool Live Journal. And I believe he is the newest member of APA Centauri. ATOMIKA looks very cool. I love the art. I hear the first issue is sold out, the comic shop I go to had one but I was short on cash. Creating Comics Step By Step: Part 3. ![]() ![]() Viper
Grant blogged the Viper. It's funny how these things happen because I've been considering blogging more images myself, especially comic related. Grant and I must be sharing wave lengths again.
I can remember drooling over the Viper and imagining stories for her when I was a ten year old little pervert. :) I had an issue of The Marvel Universe Handbook (I think) that had pictures of her and many of the other characters starting with the letter "V". The Handbook contained their origins, powers, weapons, secret identities, aliases, current whereabouts, and the like. But actually, I was imagining the stories as a child because I was going to be a writer. I still am. ![]() ![]() Hypothetical Lizard
Read Hypothetical Lizard #1 last night. Wow! I'm awe struck. It's a perfect, beautiful tale set in a fantastic world of wizards and magical creatures, yet still human desire motivates everything. And secrecy.
What is about Britain that they have so many fantastic comic writers? ![]() ![]() Saturday, March 26, 2005Web Content Writer
My brother Mike passed this link along to me. Looks like the career for me: Web Content Writer.
And thus another goal of starting an online comic. ![]() ![]() Read and Write
"...procreation of the wicked." -- Sepultura
Got a copy of the Hypothetical Lizard #1 today. It's a comic adaptation of an Alan Moore short story. Looks great. Read Catwoman #11 and #12 last night. Nothing special. As I was reading them last night, I paid a lot of attention to how much the Batman books use geography and environment to tell a story. Everyone knows that Gotham is dark and brooding (almost gothic) like it's watchful protector. Gotham is as much a part of the American psyche as the Batman himself. I'll keep that in mind as I begin penning my own comics again. While in the hospital I knocked off about 150 pages of the Dietz book from the sidebar. It's phenomenal as always. If you've never read William C. Dietz just imagine Tom Clancy meets Arthur C. Clarke. Read the current issue of APA Centauri today also. Finished two scripts for my comic, and I'll talk about it more in the future as it comes together. Right now I want to get several months worth of scripts done, I plan to publish new ones biweekly at the minimum, possibly weekly once this thing gets rolling. I also need to learn Photoshop and more about making a website. I think my brother will be helping me on this project and essentially I want to create an online comic with an online book store. The latter to support the former. And both to give me exposure as a writer, etc. The comic itself will more or less whatever I want it to be. No ongoing stories, etc. Each comic will be stand alone. Each will involve things from my personal experiences, to politics, to things we all face every day. Some stories will be beautiful, some tragic, some disgusting, and some will be classifed as: what the f***!?! :) To give you an example, the script I wrote last night is about a ghost who can't haunt a hospital because he has no medical insurance. Funny take on a real problem. To give you some examples of current online comics in the vain that mine will be in, check out: A Softer World or The Outer Burrows. If you can recommend any good online comics, please by every means do so. What have you been reading or writing (or lately? ![]() ![]() Link Dump III
Swear I'll get more creative writing up here soon. Until then, read these:
Flesh. Warren links to things about comics. Star Wars Aficianado Fanzine. Art Whore Distro. The Misfit Library. The song in Scott's head right now. A history of zines. Technorati Tags. Which I'm still trying to figure out. Dot Comics. Marvel unfortunately got rid of their cool trailers but free online comics are there. I have a lot of say on this. (File under future posts.) Meta Tag Builder. Something else I'm still trying to figure out. Invisible Ink. A Radio Zine. Zine Trade. What exactly are zines? Eye Candy Zine. Destined Collective. Amaztype. I can't explain it, just try it. Works with anyone available on Amazon. ![]() ![]() Thursday, March 24, 2005Free Zine Day
Free Zine Day is May 7th. Get involved! I am. I think it's how I'll debut my chapbook: Rational Animals. More soon.
![]() ![]() More Comics
Last night I read Kinetic #2 and #3. Again, I must say the coloring of the DC Focus books give them a unique quality. I've never quite seen anything like it in comics or art. Believe me, in my copious media consumption, I've read thousands of comics. :)
Issue three had a phenomenal start in which Tom, the star, dreams about talking to God. When asked what God said (this punchline made me keel over with laughter) Tom replies, "Same $%*# He always does!" I've had days like that too. You can download the Kinetic preview here. Also knocked off an issue of the comic book version of Batman: The Animated Series. I found it to be smart and fun like most of the episodes of the show. ![]() ![]() Jumping off the Page
Jumping off the Page, Part One is the first in a series of what makes comics special. Great start. Check it out.
You do think comics are special...don't you? ![]() ![]() Star Wars: Revelations Fanzine
Look to see much more about small press, fanzines, and the like from me. This also is part of my creative endeavor this year and will eventually tie into my retailing dreams as well.
Here's a well done online fanzine: Star Wars: Revelations Fanzine. Damn, I love the internet. And secretly, it loves me back. ![]() ![]() The Comic Pimp: MARVEL & 7-11
As I look to begin trying to sell graphic novels, I've been reading a lot about the industry. The Comic Pimp never fails as this week he discusses a broader publishing perspective: Marvel & 7-11.
![]() ![]() Wednesday, March 23, 2005Human Branding
I've been gone for a few. Had a lovely overnight stay at the hospital. (NOT!) I'll tell you about it later. Need to get more poetry up here and tell you about my online comic I just wrote my first script for. But until then....
Warren writes about human branding 2005. In the age of the internet at the speed of light you can become a mobile phone wall paper, an LJ Icon, an MP3, etc. You are your own commercial, your own virtual presence. Very cool thought. One that my next Warren Ellis Tribute Zine will deal with. Coincidentally, looks like Warren uses BLOGLINES too. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, March 22, 2005Mood Ring
Taken from Don-O's Dump:
What me melancholy? No one will ever believe it. :) ![]() ![]() Read: DC Focus
Too bad the DC Focus Line has been cancelled. I enjoyed the first issues of both Hard Time, Touch, and Kinetic.
I don't have a lot of time to write this morning but I will say all three were very solid with unique coloring that gave the comics their own special mood. George Lucas once wrote that he started with A New Hope because the middle of a story is always more meatier and fun than the beginning. I tend to agree with that. I hate origins. (Which is probably why I despise most comic book based movies.) The comics though were different. I enjoyed discovering all of these characters. And hope somewhere down the line to see more of them. ![]() ![]() Sunday, March 20, 2005Marvel Age Spiderman #1Finishing up Marvel Age Spiderman #1. What's very interesting is that it's essentially the same Stan Lee/Steve Ditko comic that introduced the Vulture in the 1960's. Don't know much about the Marvel Age line but was under the impression that it's goal is to be very kid friend. Mark Brooks and the team's artwork is gorgeous by the way. I pictured the Masterworks book above because the original story is reprinted in it. A friend of mine just happened to loan me the book a couple of months ago and I did a review of it in my Blue Rabbit Chronicles zine. ![]() ![]() Adventures in Reading
"Sad wings of destiny, where have they gone? I know eternally, I'll carry on." --Judas Priest
Read quite a few more comics this week that Hovy sent me. It's been a long time since I had this many new comics to read. I like to call those times: prehistoric but my wife prefers prekids. Hero #1 was so lame, the only reason I mention it is because it's a prime example of what not to do if you're a super hero comic creator. Cliches 'R Us should of been the tile. No one cares about how the hero came to be, if they don't care about the hero himself. And you won't. The Monolith #1 was another big surprise for me. Monolith told a real story that could be enjoyed by kids and adults both. Alice, our unlikely heroine, has real problems (including drugs) and a past that is chasing her (literally). Will the voice behind the brick wall save her? You bet it will. Supposedly, Chuck Dixon wrote Richard Dragon #1 but with the poor characterization of The Bronze Tiger (one of my favorites since the original Suicide Squad)'d never know it. Rule to major comic publishes: Don't give a character a book unless there is something to say. Evidently, a mysterious figure is assembling the world's greatest assassins but I was sound asleep by that time. For all the action in the book, I was hoping Richard would jump off the page and kick me in the head. Because I sure wasn't getting mine reading this piece of garbage. Adventures of Superman #627 story highlight was a battle between a Replikon and Supes. However, I loved the opening in which Superman helps a lost girl find her Mommy. I accidentally read Batman #623 out of order. It's part of the same arc as 627--Broken City. Liked this one a lot. There's another sequence of Bruce watching his parents die intertwined with his current case. The red backgrounds, the little boy Bruce, are images too powerful not to influence my future comics work. In this one, Batman faces Killer Croc and faces that he's made a mistake. Even the world's greatest detective isn't infallible. Superman Birthright Issues #6 and #8 get the thumbs up. (Who needs Siskel?) Birthright retells Clark's story in a contemporary setting. Clark is a high school student in the late eighties, making him my age. Lex Luthor is more than just a super genius industriallist, he's also the world's foremost astrobiologist. (Wonder where that came from? LOL.) The trip to Lex's holochamber was quite Trekkie and definitely worked for the story--showing his immense intelligence and wealth. But how will the world react when they learn Superman isn't even a man? Lastly comes Action #800. This double sized anniversary issue takes a different angle at giving us a new look at how the Man of Steel came to be including the person who inspired Clark to become a reporter. And a hero! The story is sprinkled with vignettes of how people feel about Superman and it depicts Clark leaving Lana. There is a line in which Lana states Clark belongs to the world and was never hers to have....tugs on the old heart strings. This comic is highly recommended. ![]() ![]() Said is Dead
Found a good post on the usage of the word said in fiction.
![]() ![]() Intuitions (Darley's Dilemma)
Ron creates an beautiful poem: Intuitions (Darley's Dilemma). I love this line:
But in the glass reflections turn our heads ![]() ![]() Warren Wonders
Warren wonders about animation. And so do I. Webisodes, webcomics, etc have not yet lived their full potential in cyberspace. But they will. As media becomes more distributable and revenue streams are found, television is dead.
![]() ![]() Episode III: Trailer
If you haven't seen it, the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith trailer is available. Looks really good. Only time will tell.
One new twist, I was unaware of is that Anakin joins the Jedi Council as Palpatine's representative. But not as a Master Jedi. While you're at, check out the making of featurettes. ![]() ![]() Friday, March 18, 2005Warren Again
Warren is at it again with a 12 Hour Message Board/Forum.
This guy is the king of original. I need to pull a stunt like this. ![]() ![]() Thursday, March 17, 2005Fell
Fell by Warren Ellis is a go.
Sixteen pages plus text pieces at a 1.99. Everybody's hiding something. What'll he think of next? ![]() ![]() More Read
Still working on those comics. Read Detective #776, Batman #625, and Outsiders #8.
Outsiders #8 was a bit weak in the story area however the artwork is great. I'm not familiar with the Tom Raney--the artist but I will be now. His pencils are gorgeous, the Huntress has never looked so hot! Oh yes, and the Triubte to the Flesh panel comes off sexier than a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. I did enjoy the opening sequence as well, Judd Winick's writing was heartfelt as he documents the last moments of Angela Cooper. Speaking of heartfelt, Batman #26 had a moment so powerful I was amazed it could be pulled off. Time and time again, Bat writers revisit the death of Bruce's parents. But this time, Azzarello shows us why the Caped Crusader feels so much guilt. I won't spoil it for you, I'll just say three words. Risso's art is as good as ever by the way, the book had the look and feel of the ever classic Dark Knight Returns. Detective #776 had a memorable ending as Leslie Thompkins finds the past on her doorstep. This is a father and son story, tragic like Bruce's own. Redemption always comes with a cost. If I could write any super hero comic, I'd love to write Batman or Spiderman. For Spidey, I'd bring back my favorite villain of all time (perhaps the most perfect villain of comic) The Hobgoblin. For the Detective I have my own take on the father son relationship (tied into my own experiences with my Dad's death) which I would parallel with a Nightwing tale. And there'd definitely be at least one cameo by the sexy Poison Ivy. Better start cranking out that fan fiction. :) I don't usually read super hero comics. (How much more can you do with men in tights?) However I've had a great time reading these, a lot of memories of past stories returning to my head. And though this isn't Shakespeare it has been what it's all about: fun. The escapism of comics does not escape me. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, March 15, 2005Read: More Comics
The great thing about comics is they're quick reads. (Reminds me of an upcoming meme I'm doing: 100 Things I Love About Comics, not sure where I first saw that.)
Knocked off two more, the first being Fantagraphics's Story Lines: An Anthology of Emerging Cartoonists. Usually these types of collections tend to bore me or are poorly done. Undiscovered talent sometimes is better left undiscovered (if you know what I mean). This one surprised me though. It was an overall strong book, the highlight for me included Payback and the illustrated poem Before It Was Quiet. The whole book had a black and white zine feel to it and reminded me much of my first taste in self published comics Scott Marshall's DREGS. The second one I read was Nightwing #91. How odd is it that the tales of Dick Grayson are wrote by one Devin Grayson? It was enjoyable though hardly ground breaking. I did enjoy Alfred the Butler making an appearance, good old Alfred was always the real "father figure" of the Batman titles to me. This story is no exception when Alfred tells Dick, "Is there any point in assuring you that this is not your fault?" You'll notice I'm trying my hand at more reviews. I feel I write them poorly but I will continue to practice. (Steve R. I could use pointers from a master here!) If I'm going to sell books on the Internet I need to be able to review. Besides, whether I continue to sell or not, I sure as hell ain't going to stop sharing what I read with you. :) I hope you won't either. ![]() ![]() Read: ComicsFinally digging into the comics that Hovy sent me. Scars Issue One is a deeply disturbing ride into the mind of Warren Ellis. I'll have to buy the tradpaperback. (Pictured above). The things murderers do are so horiffic yet so sanitized by the press. Man can not face his own vileness. The reality is the killing monster under the skin may be your neighbor, your coworker, or your friend. That's what this nightmare is about. What kind of a beast must you become to catch a beast? And what do you do when you've caught it? Green Arrow Numbers 43 and 44 were strong tales written by Judd Winick. Super Heroes have a grand tradition of being total knocks off of each other barely distinguishable. The Green Arrow is simply Batman in a kinkier pair of Spandex making like Robin Hood. Yet in light of the cardboard, Winick introduces great plot points especially the later where we find someone close to home is H.I.V. positive. Someone hurts. Someone shares a first kiss. And someone is in total denial. It's all New Blood. BTW...if you order anything through my Amazon links I'll split the commission with you 50/50. Just send me an email. ![]() ![]() BLOG*UCKER
Because BLOG*UCKER wouldn't work this morning.
Err...BLOGGER. (Do I seem a little bitter?) I posted these two over at my Live Journal for new and used (to coin Ron) creative works: I Write the Songs. (Because I do.) Warrior. Glad, I got that Live Journal thingy, wouldn't want a loose idea to run away. Wouldn't want to have to shoot it. ![]() ![]() Sugar Ray
"To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will."
"Sugar" Ray Robinson (1921-1989) American boxing champion ![]() ![]() Metal Monday's Metal Monday (on Tuesday) because everyone knows great poets are great head bangers too. :)
At least this one. Anthrax will tour with the classic Among the Living lineup. I'm psyched about this, I saw that line up on the Clash of the Titans tour years ago. I've also seen the John Bush line up. Gotta say I love them both, but I think John is a superior vocalist. I hope this reunion however doesn't spell his ouster from the band, but if so there's always more Armored Saint albums to be made. (I hope.) Head snapping quote of the day from Zakk Wylde: "Put it this way, we just get a sh*tload of booze, go down there and press record. Life’s too short. The way I look at it, you can either be f**king laughing, or crying, and God knows we’ve all done of fair share of f**king crying." ![]() ![]() Sunday, March 13, 2005Virtual Chapbook I: King of Mud
This is the first of my Virtual Chapbooks. With so many new readers, this is a great way to present my work again. Or to send it to someone by email. Hope you enjoy, these nine poems are but the first trip through my head space quest for immortality.
Dirt and Truth. Kiss Your Muse. I Washed Away. (Poem is at the bottom of the Diary post.) Be Expecting Me. Sand Magic. (Poem is at the bottom of the Brain Empty post.) Immortality. Bullet Proof Jude. Create. Pig Unchanging. ![]() ![]() That Was Quick
Took "track back" appears even with autodiscovery implmented that for BLOGGER users it is still a manual process. So, for now, it's gone. Perhaps Pyra will get around to creating Track Back for Blogspot.
I've wasted way too much time on this today. If I did learn one thing though, it's that I can actually read HTML code now so maybe not all is lost. ![]() ![]() Autodiscovery
Evidently for track back to work on BLOGGER, it needs to "autodiscover"...
Lord, only knows how the hell I'll get this into my template, but I really could use Track Back. Good old Haloscan doesn't tell you how to put it in, just that you can. And gives you a couple of code examples that I can't read. ![]() ![]() Good Ideas In Rock 'N Roll
Good idea in rock 'n roll. The Melvins and Metal Church peforming together.
Bad idea....Brian Adams on a bill with Def Leppard. I swear I'm not making it up. ![]() ![]() Hand Held Manga
Just what I said it is, hand held Manga. I love this stuff!
![]() ![]() 100% Mix
Win a Paul Pope package over at Tradewhore by presenting the best Mix Tape. Very cool. However I don't know if Metal Eclectic could beat A Messed Up Head Mix Tape. :)
![]() ![]() Zine Scene
I posted for my first time on Zine Scene today. Hopeing to drum up some interest in APA Centauri.
Zine Scene is a very cool Live Journal full of people self publishing/doing small press. ![]() ![]() ReadJust finished Pattern Recognition. It is a great and fascinating read. Now, to decide what to read next (decisions, decisions), I have a stack of comics to catch up including the trade of Ministry of Space. If I could stop time, I would read all the books in the world. And then some. ![]() ![]() Thursday, March 10, 2005Creating Comics
Steve Grant presnts the first in a series on creating comics. Part one is about that illusive thing man calls an idea.
![]() ![]() Wednesday, March 09, 2005Doors
Don't want my world to be
Full of closed doors. (This is everyone I know.) --Locked opportunities.-- The negativity it brings. Killing energy pain. Feelings are contagious. Can't shoulder it anymore. (My back hurts.) Can't carry sadness with me. Life is *how* we perceive. Everything is a choice. I have a choice. It wasn't easy to pray. So hard to believe. (Always *so* hard.) God is there. Angels listen. Today is a new day, (Blessed enough to live another.) And suddenly I am holding keys. With hope. ![]() ![]() Link Dump II
"There's no more love for you and me." --Shinedown
"I am still bleeding you." --Shadow's Fall Video game icons honored. Next generation X-Box details include possible games on demand. Tarantino mulls next Friday the 13th? From the Vertigo website: free download of Hell Blazer Issue One. From the Wildstorm website: free download of Warren Ellis's Planetary Preview. All comic sites should have plenty of free comics. RSS information. Obsessultra website. Includes streaming music. Why do some bands in this day and age with no free streaming samples or MP3's? Discount comic service. List of Cyberpunk fun. Buzzwords photocommunication. How to read and digest a book. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, March 08, 2005Spoken Word Idea Man
"What happened to the Lamb?" --Nobius Black
"I've got no where to go, I've got some stones to throw today." --Metal Church "A little God that falls, a little boy that's all. That's all..." --Metal Church Have some great ideas for my upcoming Spoken Word project. One idea includes doing a spoken word cover of a song I like. That could be fun. I'm thinking Megadeth's Hook in Mouth or something off of The Melvin's Stoner Witch. If you know of anyone doing spoke word or if you are, I'd love to chat. I have a number of neat concepts I could use help with. I definitely like Warren's idea of putting MP3's up via MPeria. I've got to talk to Andrew, I found a great way to promote the APA. It's Live Journal's Zine Scene. So many ideas, running around, gotta get them out, before I lose them all. Before I have to leave for work. Right now, I am Idea Man. ![]() ![]() Russia Hid WMD?
It's been a while since I've mentioned current events. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a confessed news junkie. I immerse myself in the news everyday. I switch channels between FOX and CNN, the way some guys change between two NFL wild card games airing at the same time. And my kids, say I scream a lot louder.
I found this link to be quite interesting. Especially as I look to begin writing more things influenced by the world around us. Did Russia hide Iraq's WMD? ![]() ![]() The Basement Tapes
Great Basement Tapes article. I enjoyed the section about searching used book stores for ideas (I do something similar myself). Also, good point made, when they talk about the fact that a comic is not good unless it looks cool. Have to agree with that statment. The look of comics is part of the magic.
![]() ![]() Monday, March 07, 2005Gone Reading
Just received a box of comics from Dave at Trade Whore. Thank you Dave.
Also just got my hands on William C. Dietz's For More than Glory. Figured out how to change the color on my Amazon product links. And I've got an idea coming together for a Mona Lisa Overdrive type story. Life is good. ![]() ![]() Sunday, March 06, 2005The Library Lady
File under more than coincidence.
On the same day I add Amazon to this site, I run into an article in a local paper about my middle school library raising funds via Amazon. Funny thing is, I haven't lived in that town for years, and just happened to be reading their newspaper at a Burger King. ![]() ![]() Quizfarm
A political quiz. My true beliefs would split me right down the middle. I'm a conservative Democrat or is that a liberal Republican? And no I did not steal this from Grant. ![]() ![]() Face Lift
I'd like to redesign this BLOG. I'm really taken by BLOGS that are categorized.
Scott's is organized like a library including personal biography, music, and spirituality. Warren's includes categories such as research material, brainjuice, admin, appearances and events, new projects, and podcasts. And this recent edition to my RSS reader. Categories include religioso, modified, words, and visions. The idea behind redesigning the BLOG is to make it easier to read and for me to search. This site is literally my brain dump. It is basically an archive of my thoughts at any moment, things I want/need to remember, and a place to have fun. The White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* contains poems, memes, diary entries, links, original works, other people's works, inspiration, research material, HTML experimentation, whatever. Because it's so varied, I also created a Live Journal that is for my creative writing only. But don't worry no matter what kind of face lift this place eventually receives. The rabbit stays. And so does the hole. I'd be lost without them. ![]() ![]() Text Links and an Amazon Complaint
This is a test of selling: Warren Ellis's Bad Signal Collection via text links.
Which can also be sold like this: Interestingly enough, my RSS reader isn't picking up the graphics on Amazon products. My only real complaint so far is that I can't buy things from Amazon and get a commission. Bad Signal is the pemulate collection of Warren Ellis's email journal. As varied in topic as Warren is brilliant. Catch his rants on comics, creativity, and the world in general as he emails you from his mobile computer while sitting in the pub having a Red Bull. ![]() ![]() Saturday, March 05, 2005First Book For SaleI'm signed up and am testing out Amazon to sell products with. Very easy sign up and they have great link building tools. I'll let you know how my progress goes. I would love to branch into minisites once I have this down. The only problem I'm having is with the background of graphical links, can't get the color to match my site but other than that it took about thirty seconds from link creation to web publishing. Endless Nights is one of the greatest Graphic Novels ever written. The Despair story will haunt your memory like a bad car accident. Somethings are so horrible, you can't help but wonder are they really story at all? ![]() ![]() Friday, March 04, 2005Movie Recommendation
You scored as Mindfuck.
Congratulations, you scored Mindfuck. You've probably seen a lot of movies, and have grown to hate mainstream shit. You're looking for the movie that will leave you breathless, and with 21 questions to think about. Check out: Donnie Darko, Being John Malkovich, Pulp Fiction, Memento.
Stolen again from Grant. (Because I have nothing better to do.) ![]() ![]() Book Seller
"You say you've got the answers. Well who asked you anyway? And I think maybe it was meant to be this way....and I believe my Kingdom will come"--Megadeth
"Be your own disciple. Fan the sparks of will. For all of us waiting. Your kingdom will come." --Manowar Think I'm going to experiment with trying to sell books online. Not sure it would work but since I have a dream of owning a comic shop/book store/distro, can't think of a better way to start until I have the money and time to go at it full time. Is anyone out there doing it? I'd love to chat with you. What ideas do you have and who are you affiliated with? I mainly am looking to sell sci-fi books, comics, and metal albums. In other words, things I enjoy. Checked out Barnes & Noble as well as well as Amazon's affiliate program. I've got some other ideas as well but thought I'd simply start by recommending books/reviewing them (albums too) and then putting up an affiliated link via a BLOG post. My wife made me feel good when she she'd be 100% behind me if someday down the road I do open the comic shop of my dreams. Let me tell you, my shop includes more than just a shop, I'd also like to be a publisher. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, March 01, 2005How Metal are You?
And it sees today is my lucky day. Stolen yet again from Grant.
How Metal are you? You scored as Hard Core/Metal Core. Hardcore metal is what you are.
Which genre of metal best describes you? created with Hell Ya! ![]() ![]() Ozzfest 2005
I'm in a metal mood today. Looks like some good possibilites for this year's Ozzfest. Artists rumoured to be in the line up: Sabbath, Maiden, Anthrax, Megadeth, Shadow's Fall, Disturbed, and Rob Zombie. Damn, sounds like I hired the bands. :)
![]() ![]() Judas Rising
" crucified steel." --Judas Priest
Check out to hear Judas Priest's new album Angel of Retribution in it's entirety via streaming audio. The opening track Judas Rising harkens back to the hey day of Priest and will still kick open your skull with it's intensity. Can't wait for the tour. ![]() ![]() |