Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Judas Priest: Nostradamus


The single isn't bad, what I found to be cool is the viral way in which they're promoting it. I've yet to hear it or see it on any of the metal shows no matter what the media.

-posted by Nobius 11:18 AM # Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Read: Shadow of the Giant

-posted by Nobius 9:32 AM # Comments (0)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Freak Angels Episode 10

Freak Angels Episode 10

"In which everything is learned except a lesson, apparently." --Warren Ellis

-posted by Nobius 12:22 PM # Comments (0)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bazooka Joe

"Mockingbird, wish me luck." --Charles Bukowski

"If I am exempt from one thing as an artist, surely it is knowing what my government is doing." --Cerdwen Dovey

Gabcast! White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* #10

Bazooka Joe

Truly, Truly,
I say to you:
A comic in ever piece.

No words for
far too long.
Punch drunk now.
(Alcohol induced
horizon event.)
Brain pull/
not even -Light from on High-

More whiskey!
Puritanical Bukowski
--that Spontaneous bastard--
Make me wanna combust.
Let's burn together!

A likeness; a semblance; a mock appearance; a sham;
-- now usually in a derogatory sense.

My ink brother:
I copy/clone DNA.
(never be You.)


a Scar on a Stage,
momentary Pop star...
Prima donna poet Joe
Questing for immortality.
The internet changed everything.

I like to blow
pretty pink bubbles
before the taste
wears out.

-posted by Nobius 12:04 AM # Comments (1)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Covert Chap Contest

Unfortunately, I'm too embedded in my own projects right now to enter but it's a great contest from a fantastic publisher: Covert Press.

My friends that are not on TheirSpace. Despite some goon intervention we have launched our chapbook contest for the month of April. Which means we are accepting submissions any day in the month of April. I do realize a lot of people are not really into the spirit of good ole American competition, Devin and myself included, but any one that does not win we can look at and publish at a later date. And once you get in you're family. So by all means send your manuscripts. Devin and I will choose the winner and they will get their chapbook published and get 20 copies to sell give away or whatever. So send your submissions to, and best of luck.

Michael & Devin

-posted by Nobius 11:17 AM # Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

God Gave Me Everything I Want

"God gave me everything I want. Oh come on, I'll give It all to you." --Mick Jagger

Tonight this is the music of the mind.

My mind.

Jagger and Bukowski, that's what's needed right now.

For world peace. For soul comfort.

Poetry in the skin. A blot under the surface. Words dripping from fingers.

God, gave me everything I want.

I bring it home to rest.

-posted by Nobius 11:40 PM # Comments (2)

Friday, April 04, 2008

Creatures Of Your Greed

"What if I left my memory in the future and I have to catch up to it?" --Warren Ellis (Freak Angels Episode 6)

"Just let me feel some ease from creatures of your greed." --Filter

Where Do We Go From Here? is by far one of the best and most under appreciated true rock songs of the past decade. It's on my brain tonight. Click and play it. Let it be on yours.

Lot going on with The APA Centauri, Red Fez, Calliope Nerve and my martial arts school. Good things. Blessed. Creativity to the max.

Life is passion. And without passion, why bother to breathe at all?

-posted by Nobius 9:19 AM # Comments (0)

Thursday, April 03, 2008


"I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is a problem when I'm walking down the street." --Angelina Jolie

-posted by Nobius 9:04 AM # Comments (2)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Penton on Amazon

Unlikely 2.0's Jonathan Penton talks about the behemoth that is Amazon. And though I don't share the same feelings, it's definitely a well spoken diatribe that gives the reader much to think about.

-posted by Nobius 11:59 PM # Comments (2)