Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

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White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mind Pulp 07/14/10 2136

Tonight, I'm nervous. Thinking way too much. About to go watch LEGION. But today, I'm thinking about seminars. Like the ones from Writer's Digest. Now if I could only turn down the thoughts, I'd get some sleep.

This one is from a seminar on getting your novel or memoir published:

How to draw an agent into your story in just a few words—whether it's your query, verbal pitch or the first page of your manuscript.

What goes into a killer query—from making a connection to an agent, to drafting an exciting pitch that will leave agents wanting more.

The importance of a one-sentence tagline that gets a reader excited about your book.
What agents look for on that all-important Page 1.

How to plan and prepare a verbal pitch of your book so you can meet with agents at writers conferences.

What goes into a complete proposal for fiction—and how to know all the tools at your disposal.

How agents and editors quickly look over a project and decide if it has the necessary elements to make them request more.

How to get your book published!

-posted by Nobius 9:36 PM #
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