Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Calliope Nerve Presents The Rapacious Night

Calliope Nerve Media is proud to add the second chapbook to our slate: The Rapacious Night by Michael Mc Aloran. It's a vital, important collection written in Mc Aloran's unique style and includes a beautiful cover called 'After-Birth' painted by the author himself. As with all of our previous books, the download remains free and the book is being sold at our cost of $5.50 u.s. (a small price to pay for real culture in a fake world.)

The Rapacious Night

Joy joy in the teeth baring

A fading sun streaks light upon the

Surface of bare lips, parted

Settled words, a drift of newspaper like silk

Stockings jaggered by the breeze a trace of blood

Wasted words, a breaking of bone shatter-snapped

The bootheels dig fresh graves

The light vibrates upon the vomit-soaked sands of

The tide, like a blade cutting into flesh a violent fuck

Pale moon of vile death, the pupil of death

Illumines the ocean

I observe in wonderment

Eat of the marrow of the beauty of it, a dissected animal

The rapacious night burns, and I, too, burn with it

I close my eyes to the silver dawn, wondering where speech may

Once have tread, in this hollow silence

--Michael Mc Aloran was Belfast-born, his family moved to the south of Ireland due to 'The Troubles'. He spent a brief spell studying Fine Art & Design, but left after one disillusioned year. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe, living for short spells in both Holland and Italy. His work has been published by Poetry Monthly International, Calliope Nerve, Lines Written W/A Razor, The Gloom Cupboard, Counterexample Poetics, Full of Crow, Gutter Eloquence, The Delinquent, Writing Raw, The Recusant, Eviscerator Heaven, and The Plebian Rag. His first published book, In The Black Cadaver Light was published by Poetry Monthly Press, (U.K-2009).

Can you help us promote the chap? Would you like to interview the author? Can you review it or post a preview at your website? Want to trade links, promotions, etc--contact the Publisher by email: Calliope Nerve AT

Much blessings and thanks to all of our writers, artists, editors, and readers who keep this dream alive. We're in this together.

We are Art.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Never surrender.

Never give up. Ink makes us beautiful.

-posted by Nobius 1:27 AM #
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good stuff
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