Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
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White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Alan Moore’s Dodgem Logic

Found via the Warren Ellis weblog:

Magazines are on everyone’s mind again, it seems. From the depths of darkest Northampton, he’s put a saddle on the zeitgeist again:

Forty years after the uproarious heyday of the alternative press, writer Alan Moore is launching the 21st century’s first underground magazine from his home town of Northampton, a community that is right at the geographical, political and economic heart of the country; one which has half its high street boarded up and is at present dying on its arse, just like everywhere else…

Of particular interest to the locavores and ruricomp meshers:

an eight-page local section in each issue, thus inviting other areas to publish regional editions by providing their own inserts

DODGEM LOGIC: Colliding ideas to see what happens.

-posted by Nobius 5:08 PM #
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