"Things used to be pretty simple. A hundred years, just hanging out, feeling guilty. Really honed my brooding skills." -- Angel (Josh Whedon)Tonight I'm putting a
Snowball Bookshop bookmark in the book I'm reading to remind me of my mission and aim. My job is no longer my career. Better things lie ahead and
Snowball is a great model for my own endeavors and it's the largest independent bookstore in this area.
The bookmark reads something like this...
..."A Place for Book Lovers"
Out-Of-Print * Used * New * Buy * Sell * Trade
Over 80,000 volumes.
Gently read out-of-print, hardcover and paperback books.
New books ordered.
Great gift items.
Unique greeting cards.Once things are a little more back to normal, I think I'm going to have bookmarks printed up to advertise my online store, etc. I've got a web designer on board now too but first I have to earn the money to get the gas fixed. It's now approaching a month since I've had a warm shower. :(
I sold an Indian Head penny online today that I bought for a dollar for fourteen bucks. Not bad, need to learn more about coins. It's the second coin I've moved this week.
From the
Green Apple Books newsletter comes an interesting PDF on
the benefits of buying from a local business.
Pete also mentions in the same newsletter that the credit card fees associated with the business add up to the margins most independent sellers make so pay cash whenever you can!
On my to do list before I die, is visit
Green Apple Books. In fact, I'd love a road trip to see all kinds of independent book, music, zine, and comic stores.