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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Letter To Keith Pascal (Updated)

Keith is a professional martial arts instructor, writer, magician, and entrepreneur. He is the publisher of Martial Arts Mastery.


I read all your newsletters and loved "Coin Snatching." Eventually, I plan to own all of your books. If we were only made of money. :)

My greatest martial arts problem or challenge is simply this. My brother and I run a small private "Street" Aikido and Dynamic Self Defense Studio that combines elements of self defense, Karate/JKD, weapons, and Ju-Jitsu. Or you could just call it an "Aikido blend."

I have been a black belt for a few years now and I hold ranks in other arts and my brother has 14 plus years in Aikido expereince.

Our style and teaching methods are quite liked and we have been told my numerous people over the years that we are wonderful instructors.

The problem we have and always have had is keeping students. It's nearly a revolving door. I was wondering if you who I believe is also a "private" instructor would have any solid advice for us on recruting and retaining quality students.

Thanks for your time.

This link though older is a great interview of Keith Pascal from Martial Direct.

And here is is his fine response:

Oh, I am with you ... in fact, I am creating a web site right now,
to help teachers.

One of the upcoming ebooks for Q and A is for teachers only.
(Also, some day read my secrets of teaching martial arts
more effectively. Especially the ebonuses.)

I think, with a few adjustments, you'll be able to hold them,


PS One of your first steps is to create a questionnaire. Ask the
best part of your training, the worst part, the favorite activity,
what oculd be improved,m etc.

And find out why the folks who left did.

Identify the cause, first.

-posted by Nobius 8:37 AM #
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