Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

On Random: The Joy of Computing

Originally written August 31st:

"I read because I can’t stand not to. I get panicky when I don’t have reading material, scanning my surroundings for any words I can find. I know exactly what to do in an emergency on BART. A short list of things I have read when nothing else was available: My parents’ Maxima owners’ manual, AARP magazine, Iron: Are You Getting Enough?, Some Facts on Herpes, LOTTOPeople Magazine, Burpee seed catalog, Map of Los Angeles, the back of a Safeway receipt, BEEF (America’s #1 cattle magazine), My Kaiser member handbook, LL Cool J’s autobiography: I Make My Own Rules. I’m sort of lying about that last one. I had other things to read. But it’s true: Ladies Love Cool James, and the book has its moments." --Jenny Traig

Did you know Stephen King reads romance novels? And even recommends them.

Have you ever seen the move Falling Down? That flick rules. Nothing quite like shooting up a McDonald's because its 10:35 and breakfast ended at 10:30.

If Cleveland is the poorest city in the U.S., I wonder what that makes us here in Barberton that's a mere thirty five miles away?

This website looks neat: Antiques Finder. I wonder if someone would hire a Comic Book finder?

My wife once bough Candlelite (sp?) from a lady who was also an accountant, truck driver, and owned several successful businesses. What personality trait makes some people so successful/so prone to make money? (Which the saleswoman obviously has.) Can that talent be developed? I believe it can.

When I was in middle school I read a book once about a young girl that survived a nuclear war. She was living in a valley that was situated "just so" and the radiation fall out missed. She survived by taking over the grocery store. And then one day a man in a yellow protection suit came to wasn't good. Now if I could only remember the name of that book, which was good.

This was the first of what was meant to be a series of posts called “On Random.” But then my DSL connection failed. Will explain later, may not be online again for a while. Such is the joy of computing...

-posted by Nobius 9:11 AM #
Comments: "
I want to read that old book, but oh no you're just a tease!
" "

My DSL is down due to phone lines in my house. I'll get back to you.
" "
okay, anonymous!
" Post a Comment