Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fall of Autumn - The Tyranny of What Everyone Knows

Fall of Autumn - The Tyranny of What Everyone Knows: "Apathy isn't just for the mainstream, it's been written into the fringes as well. Perhaps that's another problem. People who have something to say about the state of the union are written into the fringes and then rendered impotent. When we act on our anger or attempt to organize we're pointed out to the mainstream as fringe elements. People who think otherwise would love to join us but can't due to work or school or whatever. No matter how much the numbers swell - those who we're trying to get attention from can still roll their eyes and go back to business as usual. "

-posted by Nobius 8:53 PM #
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