I'm at the old
I.J. Kim's Tae Kwon Do in Tallmadge (it's been closed for years) defending myself from a flying side kick performed by one of the black belts whose name I no longer remember. He's Korean and hasn't aged a bit--still fifteen years old. The first time he jumps at me, I fail to defend and side step in the nick of time just before his foot makes contact with me. If he'd hit me, my front rib cage would be sticking out my back. We try it again. The boy takes to the air. Confidence surrounds me but not in an arrogant way, more in a competent way. I know what I'm doing. I side step and use an Aikido technique. I hook his kicking leg with my right arm and push up and grab his shoulder with my left hand and push down. The boy is flat on his back in two seconds.