Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Rallypoint - Online Collaboration

Rallypoint - Online Collaboration:

Rallypoint is a powerful online collaboration service that can be used to create, organize and share your company's knowledge. It enables you to build web-based documents and pages to share with your team members or other teams.

* Some of the things you can do with Rallypoint include... Create and share online pages with team members, across the hall or across the globe.
* Tag your pages with labels to cleanly organize them in multiple locations.
* Define user and group access to your pages including editors, viewers and subscribers.
* Speed page creation with private and public templates.
* Create collections of your favorite pages around any subject matter.
* Quickly find pages with a powerful built-in search engine.
* Subscribe to page updates to stay informed about topics that interest you.
* Find similar pages and information you and your team never knew existed.
* Embed images, flash and media directly into your pages.
* Attach documents such as Word and Excel to your pages to secure access to those documents.

Rallypoint provides a powerful platform for your teams to begin sharing and collaborating. It is extremely flexible and most importantly simple to use. We think you will discover new ways to use Rallypoint to benefit your company or organization every day as we have.

-posted by Nobius 6:56 AM #
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