Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Where Do We Go From Here?

"Where do we go from here? You know I'm not your only son...just give some peace to me." --Filter

"Everyone has at least one novel in them." --Astor Gravelle

Though I blog a lot, it's been a long time since I really talked to you. There's been a lot going on in my life and I need to get it off my chest. Ideas brewing too as I tilt between manic and depressive. I've saved most of this type of chat for my Blue Rabbit Chronicles zine, not that there's anything wrong with that but this BLOG was always to be more than just a link catcher. Expect more diary type posts and the like over the next few weeks. Even if it's only my thoughts I need to voice them. Give them breath.

Hovy was nice enough to send me more comics. One of which was Channel Zero #5 (the collection is pictured above). There are few words to describe how truly good this book is. The phrase "life changing" would be most apt. This is the kind of book I want to write. And after you read it, you'll be uttering phrases like paranoia broadcast, info-fetishist, American Propaganda Works, and free will. In light of today's current political situation, the book may mean more now than ever before. The artwork is cutting edge and in-your-face as well.

Here's the blurb about C.Z. from Brian Wood's website: "Special interest groups have bullied the government into passing the Clean Act, effectively killing freedom of expression and smothering the country into submission. Television and God become one and the same as America wages a holy war against itself. Meet Jennie 2.5, self-styled media activist and symbol of resistance and change in an imprisoned society. Armed with only a camera and a determination to secure a place for herself in the history books, she takes the battle to the streets, using the tools of the enemy in an all-out effort to snap the population out of its apathy and restore free will and self-expression."

Yesterday, I read for the first time Ultimate Spiderman. Good looking book and though the story was standard fare I was psyched to hear that the Hobgoblin had appeared recently. Long time readers know he's one of my favorite villains. (Future post: Good To Be Bad/My Favorite Villains.)

I'm almost finished with a small collection of poetry called World's Most Loved Poetry. Not sure where my wife got it but it looks like something from the check out line of Piggly Wiggly's that would be on the rack next to Weekly World News and the Eat What You Want! Lose Weight! pamphlet. It's quite good. Filled with master poets like Shakespeare, Frost, and Dickinson. I know I have written pieces that are as good as any in the book. Now what am I going to do about it?

Have you ever heard the Melvin's cover of Kiss's Going Blind? If not, get it. It's on 1993's Houdini album and it's phenomenal. A slow grinding tribute to the glam ones.

My future at Big Corporate Giant is in jeopardy. Or at least my job in the in the department I'm in is. Just applied and am getting an interview in operations. More pay but more hours and a crappy schedule. But gotta give it a shot. Otherwise, I'll never know. All the recent crap at work is stimulating my development of myself, God if you hear me, open a door. It's time to move on.

I've had ideas lately of everything from opening a comic shop/bookstore/zine distro to becoming an expert at computer virus removal. Even thinking about starting a magazine. And why can't I do them all? And more. The only thing holding me back, quite frankly is me.

More to say later, I've been on vacation so I want to talk about what I've done (I love being off work), my Aikido plans, I have another post planned: Books I Want To Write and I'm outlining an idea for a story called, "Where the Droids Die". Also got a piece in my head for my next BRC defending cheap romance novels and franchise based sci-fi novels (like Star Trek).

Hope you're all well. If you need anything, you know where I am.

-posted by Nobius 11:44 PM #
Comments: "
Thanks for the props!
" "
Well, that would be nice (the diary-like posts).
" " problem.

Ron, I'll be getting more poetry and the like up soon as well. Been a little rough getting computer time with the kids off of school. :)
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