Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Monday, July 04, 2005


This is where I am now. From Kick Start Daily.

You want a better position that you now have in
business, a better and fuller place in life. All right;
think of that better place and you in it as already

Form the mental image.

Keep on thinking of that higher position, keep the
image constantly before you, and - no, you will not be
suddenly transported into a higher job, but you will
find that you are preparing yourself to occupy the
better position in life - your body, your energy, your
understanding, your heart will all grow up to the job -
and when you are ready, after hard work, after perhaps
years of preparation, you will get the job and the
higher place in life.

- Joseph H. Appel

-posted by Nobius 12:10 PM #
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