"Still you feed us lies from the table cloth....Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?" -- System of A DownSmall GodGifted killer sweet memory,
Everytime I have one,
Another piece dies.
Further we drift.
Coil snake crushing
Just means we're in love.
Poetry is self...
I stand in flood and
Reap ink--
Blood you spilled.
Just look the other way.
I chose to live.
I did it for Mom.
But what did I do for me?
And what should I do now?
(Never let me down.)
There's more to say,
But we've been here before.
All ghosts love words.
No more Poetry.
No, not tonight....
Small God set me free.
(They say you're inside.)
Or when we fall,
Do we fall...