Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Job Search

"No one has the right to ruin your happiness." --Carolyn Boykin

And the job search continues as I got turned down for another job today while being told by my current employer that I'm too "emotional" for a promotion. (But they'll work with me...ya right.) I know I wear my heart on my sleeve sometimes, but if it was that bad why didn't someone ever say anything before?

This whole thing weighs on my self esteem as I try hard not to identify my sense of being by my career. Or lack of one. I keep telling my heart, I'm worth more than a paycheck.

I did email my resume out to two more potential employers tonight and posted my resume on I have to keep tyring.

I got the best advice on this whole thing from a friend of mine named Lillian. She said, "Don't get upset over the troubles of millionaires. They get richer and what do you get?" She's absolutely right. What do I get?

And now I'm finding myself asking, "How do I get a better life?" I seem to have never found a copy of the book on that. I seem to only have a nack for making other people rich.

But maybe, just maybe that can change. And if it can't, I wan't to die knowing I tried. Knowing I gave it by best damn shot. Regret is the one thing I can not live with.

-posted by Nobius 11:36 PM #
Comments: "
At the last place I worked, when I was up for promotion my manager had to override HR's concerns that I was too quiet and laid back for a promotion. I got the new job, found I hated it, told them so, and got let go under the company's Zero Tolerance policy for violence (using the word hate = strong emotion = potential for violence = termination). Just remember that your job doesn't define you, it just gives you a paycheck so you can pay your bills and spend the rest of your time in meaningful pursuits.
" "

So if I say: I hate bugs! That means I have a tendency for violence?

If that was me - I would take my 15 years of martial arts training and stangle the life out of them.

That's not violence BTW. That is showing your agressor the error of his/her ways. I'm like Jesus - I redeem people's sins by returning them to God's Kingdom with my bare hands.

Nobius Black's Brother
A.K.A. M.E.
" "

I lost my job because my company lost millions on a bad leasing deal.

You see, eliminating me saved them about $45,000 a year including ALL hidden costs. That helps offset the $15,000,000 million they have lost since 2000 on their genius leasing deal.

And the rich keep getting richer.

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