Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Master of the Obvious: With Democrats Like These

Check out Steve Grant's take on certain political scenarios in our nation right now. With Democrats like these...who needs Republicans? Article is toward the end of the column. Highlights include:

Supported a bill written by the credit card industry to strip ordinary Americans of the right to file bankruptcy while leaving wealthy Americans loopholes and shelters to avoid debts, opening the possibility of many Americans currently able to manage their debt becoming the equivalent of indentured servants to the credit card companies should the dollar continue to bottom out overseas and interest rates rise rapidly, as has been predicted by many economists, to "offset and slow inflation".

Pledged support for any efforts to "stop Iran's nuclear weapons program," despite continued and growing evidence that no such program exists and administration claims of such are a repeat of the lies that took us into Iraq.
Supported, after decades of thwarting, the opening of the Alaskan National Wildlife reserve to oil drilling.

Supported a bill to shift class action lawsuits, currently tried in state courts, to federal jurisdiction where prosecutions are much tougher and awards generally much smaller - a present for American corporations and the crippling of a key protection for consumers.

Supported the tort "reform" bill designed to effectively eliminate legal remedies to slipshod corporate behavior.

Bottom line is America will never create vialbe third party political alternatives.

-posted by Nobius 9:44 PM #
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