Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Read: Overloaded

Got the Stolen Sharpie Revolution book (see below) in the mail already. Nearly finished. Going to do a review of it for my zine. I recommend it.

The main book I'm reading is William Gibson's Pattern Recognition.

Got my comics that came in after Aikido today. Quit City (this completes my Apparat collection, Ocean, and bought an issue of Terra Obscura (which I've never read but as I stated in an earlier post an checking out to see what Alan Moore is up to these days).

Got the three issues of Grant Morrison's WE3 last time I was at the comic shop. Good series, needed a little more meat but definitely original and heart felt.

Also reading a kids book Fantastic Fiction: From Start to Finish about writing stories. Even big kids need a little advice. :)

Someday I'll finish that book about the American Constitutional Convention. And after that there's about twenty other books sitting upstairs waiting for my attention.

Going to do a post soon about all the other things I read: magazine, blogs, websites, and the like. And yes I do get Playboy but almost never read an article. I don't have to lie. Somehow I never get past Ms. May. Or Ms. March. Or Ms. April. Or.....


-posted by Nobius 6:22 PM #
Comments: "
I'm finishing up the Harry Partch biography and then it's on to the Big Star bio. (Yes, it finally arrived!)

" "
Excellent. Let me know if they are any good.
" "
pattern recognition was fun
" "
Joey Commeau...thanks for stopping by!

Love your work man.

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