Quit City last night. It was a great book, glad I completed my collection with that title.
So, how fitting Warren should send out this
Bad Singal today:
bad signal
So let me try and gather my thoughts
on this for you. Assuming you're
interested. Ha ha.
First off, there are no second issues
from the first wave.
All comics companies, even imaginary
ones, release a second wave of
books. So, a year after launch,
Apparat releases its new slate of
Apparat1, for those just coming in,
posited a Western comics where
superheroes hadn't happened, and
so the content was dictated by the
genres found in the pulp magazines
of the 30s, one of comics' direct
Jump to the 1950s in real time, and
superhero comics had pretty much
gone away anyway. EC were
publishing comics about psychoanalysis
and pirates, there were war comics
and comics about Treasury agents:
the mix was much more like early
television, doctors and lawyers and
cops and spies and romances and
That's the genre mix that Apparat2
will come out of. Acting as if it'd
all survived in comics to the present
Of course, The Apparat Singles
Group will have learned lessons from
their launch. You don't front-load
an entire line. You stagger the new
slate of releases. And so Apparat2
will release one new title a month
for the duration of its launch slate.
Right now, I'm thinking eight books
-- 2wice as many as 1 -- but that
could change, I'm keeping it fluid
at the moment, and will lock the
line down by summer, for a
November commencement.
So that's the plan.
-- W
Sent from mobile device
probably from the pub