Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Thursday, January 13, 2005


For a very long time, I've been designing a Warren Ellis fan club blog. In fact, I have enough material for months worth of posts. And though it would obviously be nonprofit, I worry about copyright issues. Can anyone out there discuss copyright with me?

-posted by Nobius 7:28 AM #
Comments: "
well, i did a powerpoint presentation on copyrights in grade 9 business.. ironically though, i plagiarized basically the whole thing :p. i hated that class so much
" "
Tsk Tsk...copying will get you no where.

I'm thinking I'm just going to launch my Warren BLOG and if I get some nasty letter from a lawyer then I'll get rid of it.
" "
lol, well I'm pretty sure that was the only time i did that in highschool and don't plan on doing it again.

The class was horrible though, everyone in the class hated it SO much, and the teacher was such a joke.
" "
I think you've got the right idea - launch it, and cancel if you get any official flak. Copyright infringement when quoting others is a grey area. I read an article by one editor who recommended a) always give credit where it's due, and b) if you're quoting more than a paragraph, try to get permission first. Another way to avoid problems is to include a link rather than reproducing the material.
" "
Thanks Grant...I'll be putting it up hopefully in the next few weeks. After I finish some other projects and zines I'm working on.
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