Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Friday, October 01, 2004


Not sure how much I'll be writing over the next several days. Today was the first of many twelve hour days as I both learn my new job and fill in for one of my partners who is on vacation. I'm beat. My wife went back to work this week and since my shift hasn't changed yet...we are working opposites. Better tell her I miss her.

I've got a number of really good ideas though and some of them will see fruition soon. One is a Flash Fiction piece about a vampire who keeps trying to bite the same man. Only that man never dies. Another piece is brewing about "the greatest Dragon that ever lived is a man." There will be more poetry and audio posts as well. I love doing audio.

I'm trying to figure out why my mind becomes so creative when I am this tired. Wish I had the time to write all the words. Let me leave you with this short piece and then good night.


The tears of Tigers and Men
When we kill the habitat
And Poison the World.
Never thinking about consequence.

Her only dream was to
Take flowers home to Mommy.
Field lilies and sunshine.
To see that smiling face.
Instead she packs heat
And pops the perverts
Praying there's life to live beyond today
If she can make it home before dark.
Neighborhood battleground.
No place to live.
Unequal education,

For her only dream
And the poison we left.
Never thinking about consequence.

-posted by Nobius 1:30 AM #
Comments: "
i like, i like

looking forward to what your gonna come up with next.. im really digging that one though
" "
Derek...thank you so much. I don't get a lot of feed back on my poetry so I really appreciate the time you take to read and comment on my BLOG. It takes a good to poet to know a good poet, and I'd say we both are good.
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