Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Oh joy of joys, I have a mandatory Sensitivity seminar at work. It's nothing personal, we all do. I should be sensitive to every culture, race, and sex. Just like everyone is to me. And at the end of it, I hear we'll all give each other one big hug! :)

Gag me please. I want to know who's sensitive to me? Oh that's right, I don't count. I'm just a stupid angry white man. And we are all Hitler.

I just want to be left alone.

-posted by Nobius 11:42 PM #
Comments: "
A few months before I joined them, management at my last job inflicted something similar on the workers - anger management (although the term wasn't popular back then). No hugging was involved; that would be too kind. Instead the speaker gave his little speaches while wandering through the crowd, and would randomly harass the workers (one at a time) until he pushed the right buttons. When the employee had enough, he was supposed to whinny like a horse and paw the air with his hands (the term/seminar was called Throwing Your Rider). I don't know how that was supposed to help. I'm glad I missed it - I would have had to walk, job or no. Years later, it was still a popular story told by the few remaining employees who endured the humiliation.
" "
Grant...thanks for taking the time to visit and comment. As you can probably guess, I love Pantera too. The working sometimes not the real world.
" "
Actually, we are all Uriah Heep.
" "
Ron...who is Uriah Heep? Better go GOOGLE that.
" "
Uriah is the falsely modest, villainous clerk in David Copperfiend. Uh, a book, you know, by Charles Dickens? You may have read it in school.
" "
I've not read it. Though I enjoyed some of his other works. Is it any good?
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