Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Sunday, October 10, 2004


this is an audio post - click to play


When you read my work, are you reading my mind?

Or is it someone else?

I can never know where the words all come from.

Or how to make it stop!

-posted by Nobius 1:35 PM #
Comments: "
I think those of us only reading your poems may not know what the fuck they mean. This is assuming that your audio reading is quite how you mean for it to be heard.
" "
Cool to hear your stuff! I didn't see any tags in the MP3 though and thought I'd mention it. A more complete explanation of why they're important if you're gonna keep podcasting is at:

Keep going!
" "
Ron... I'm not sure it's meant for anyone else to understand. My brain is the kind that sometimes won't start and more often won't stop. That's what this small piece (not sure it's even a poem) is about.

Jim...thank you. Also, I'll look at the tag thing, I'm just using audioblogger to do the audio posts.
" "
Ron...sorry yes, how I read it is it how it is meant to be. Poetry without audio is missing something. In my case, thoughts fall out before the head explodes.

" "
Ron...sorry yes, how I read it is it how it is meant to be. Poetry without audio is missing something. In my case, thoughts fall out before the head explodes.

" "
Jim, I understand what MP3 tags do now. I have no fricking idea how to do it with AudioBlogger. Blogger hosts my MP3's not me. But if you know of a way, I'd love to know.
" "
If you are still hearing voices, perhaps it is time to go back on your medication.

This is what the drug companies need to coninue the NOBIUS CONSPIRACY.
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