While I'm on a political kick. Here's one more for you: Check out the link to
Joe Scarborough's new book
Rome Wasn't Burnt In A Day. Old Joe and I don't see eye to eye on most domestic issues but this is one where we do. Our government is bankrupting our nation with everything from entitlements to pork. Doing nothing to reign in their own spending habits in this time of war. The I.M.F. has actually warned the U.S. that we're headed for insolvency. Our national debit is growing by 3 million dollars an hour. But who cares, in this day and age, the government believes tax money is theirs not ours. Someone once said, "Democracy ceases to exist when the government can buy off the people with their own money." That statement was said about Rome during it's decline. Are we too in decline? Certainly, we are drowning in red ink.
National Debt Clock.