Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Flash Fiction: Dinner

I haven't forgotten about the flash fiction. Here's a small story that I got by combining a paragraph from a Katie Macallister story and an idea of my own. Another incomplete idea teetering on the edge of my cliff mind.

"Come to dinner please," Joy said, exuding a warmth and compassion that slipped past all my guards. She really is beautiful. I hesitated, then took the invitation, hoping to touch the suppleness of her hand. Dreaming of the suppleness of her breasts.

Joy's smile grew wider. Did she know what I was thinking or was she as innocent as she seemed? No matter, I had a meal to attend. And I had never been to dinner with the Devil before.

Tonight the unfinished business of our lives would be reckoned with. With a finger snap, I cast a spell and sent Joy back to the fire below. Back to her master in a billow of smoke. Like the Cheshire cat, the last thing to disappear were her pearly whites.

-posted by Nobius 1:35 AM #
Comments: "
How'd you like the day of endlessly flogging the Blogger Publisher to no good end yesterday and earlier today? Mine showed every sign of having been entered into Editing and being saved, but WOULD NOT PUBLISH to the blog! At least i've learned that the Blogger Status can be checked to see if anyone even knows about it.
" "
I'm still having problems with BLOGGER. Someday, maybe they'll get this thing to not crash every five minutes.
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