I haven't forgotten about the flash fiction. Here's a small story that I got by combining a paragraph from a Katie Macallister story and an idea of my own. Another incomplete idea teetering on the edge of my cliff mind.
"Come to dinner please," Joy said, exuding a warmth and compassion that slipped past all my guards. She really is beautiful. I hesitated, then took the invitation, hoping to touch the suppleness of her hand. Dreaming of the suppleness of her breasts.
Joy's smile grew wider. Did she know what I was thinking or was she as innocent as she seemed? No matter, I had a meal to attend. And I had never been to dinner with the Devil before.
Tonight the unfinished business of our lives would be reckoned with. With a finger snap, I cast a spell and sent Joy back to the fire below. Back to her master in a billow of smoke. Like the Cheshire cat, the last thing to disappear were her pearly whites.