A piece of dialogue from something floating in my head space, not sure where it will take me so for now it lands here:
"Johnny, I need you to take out all the other guys."
"Which ones are those?"
"You know the *other* guys. The ones who think their right and we're wrong....especially the fat one."
"Ahh...I see. You mean the one born from a virgin?"
"Yea that one. While you're at it...take out his damn white elephant harbinger too."
"His name is Buddah. And we have taken them out old friend. All of them. In fact, Jesus is more popular than the Beetles once again. As it should be."
"How did you do it?"
"Quite simply: I told each one to defend the Holy land. And being that humans will be humans, they killed each other. Dead. Really dead. Oh and toasty crunchy too. Nukes."
"But who will be left to give praise?"
"That my friend was not in the job description. You see I may be Johnny P...but I'm not you God. I'm just a lonely pontiff for hire. Now be a good lad and pass me another brandy."