Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Friday Five on Sunday

Probably since the beginning of time...or at least BLOGS, the Friday Five has existed. Essentially every Friday, online journals everywhere post the same questions with each user's unique answers. I'll be talking some more about this in the future. As well as doing some.

Here's a Five I found on Scott's journal that I really enjoyed.

1. Who is your favorite celebrity? It depends on what your definition of a celebrity is but my favorites include the writer Warren Ellis and vocalist Tim "the Ripper" Owens. To me they are celebrities. I'm not much into the Hollywood B.S.

2. Who is your least favorite? Without a doubt, Christina Aguilerra makes me ill. More so Justin Timberlake makes me want to puke hard. I hear at Justin's concerts some muscle bound back up dancer with him yells about how Justin's "street" and that "he's the real deal". Not sure if that's true, but if someone has to tell your audience about your credit then clearly you have none.

3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life? No one truly famous. I've met Ripper Owens (he lives here in town) and Big Chuck and Lil' John. I've seen Mario from Who Saved the Bell at an indoor carnival. I saw a terrible speech by Tipper Gore back when I was a Republican (that was fun...NOT). Other then that, I've seen a few big name baseball players at Indian's games and I've seen a number of musicians at concerts. That's really about it. How sad.

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not? I thought I already was....:) Seriously, I'd like to have some notoriety but not in the way that super famous people do. I'd never want to live behind a contigent of body guards. I like privacy.

5. If you could trade places with a celebrity for the day, who would you choose and why? Hmmm.... I'd love to be a single Tom Cruise. And let's just say I wouldn't spend the day acting. There are better sports to be played while surrounded by beautiful women.

-posted by Nobius 12:41 PM #
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