Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Friday, May 07, 2004

A Post that Doesn't Need a Name

"You can't tell me to stop it. You can't tell me not to play."--Anthrax

Read this review of Van Helsing. Hmm...sounds like it will be a visual masterpiece extremely short on plot much like the The Mummy. Oh well, I'll wait to see what others have to say about it. After Aikdo practice tomorrow, my brother and I are going to catch a movie since I don't have to work this weekend. Need to pick up the wife a mother's day present and mow the lawn as well.

We were slow in our department yesterday so they asked me to help on the phones for my old department as well as stay on our phones. Whew...that was a challenge. But I'm damn proud of myself, I did a great job I think especially as rusty as I am with our nonexpedited products.

To my surprise, I received a CD from Steve Rostkoski from the APA Centauri. Looks like it's Bob Dylan material. Very cool, I'll have to mail Steve a thank you note. I'm enjoying being in the APA. I can't seem to get anyone else to join, I'd love to see the membership grow. I plan on doing my own "complilation" CD along with a special 'zine called Straight Jacket Sister. More on that soon.

Still looking for a good and inexpensive desk top publishing program.

Going to stop by the library here soon. Need to get some books out including What color is your parachute? Also need some Microsoft Office books and HTML books. Plan to buy some soon but figure I can preview a few there.

Oh yes, and I'm going to spend time playing Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes since it arrived along with Lacey's birthday presents. I think I'm done doing birthday shopping in brick and mortar stores for the most part. We got everything cheaper on the Internet and our 5-7 business day packages arrived in 2 business days. I love you

-posted by Nobius 10:20 AM #
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