Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Lawmaker moves to block Google's Gmail

Lawmaker moves to block Google's Gmail.

I love useless legislation. Instead of government spending money on real problems-- let's assault Google on a free product to consumers. Let's protect the people from something they don't need protection from. Google has in no way hid it's intentions with it's soon to be unveiled G-mail service. If you don't like that it stores and scans your email then don't use it. It's really that simple. Of course, I hope you don't mind that the NSA has been scanning your email and telephone calls for years. Real privacy died fifty years ago my friends.

-posted by Nobius 8:39 AM #
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