Nobius Black's
White Rabbit-*BLACK HOLE*

Killing the bunny everyday.
Live. In Stereo.

White Rabbit - *BLACK HOLE* --FALL IN!

Thoughts fall out before the head explodes!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Taking it Easy

Taking it easy tonight. Two of my kids are sick, one is getting over being sick, and my wife is staying the night at her Mom's. It's actually quiet for once, I like that. Frequently I am writing while trying to manage kids, can't imagine how much I'll be able to write once they are

This evening for the kids I rented "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas." (To clarify, that's the animated film that came out last year.) I was really shocked at how good it was. My favorite character was Eris, the elegant yet moody Goddess of Discord voiced by Michelle Pfeifer. She had this magic that made her flow and move around the screen, it was very cool. Something to keep in mind for my Angel Cutter story line.

Also rented "American Splendor." I haven't yet read the comic books though I have read Harvey Pekar's website a number of times. What a poignant and beautiful movie, well casted with actors that looked like real people. There is a great scene where Harvey explains the unusual sadness he felt when he heard another Harvey Pekar had died. While explaining it, he's more or less walking in an out of a comic panel. And the way that Pekar scripts comic books with stick figures...well...let's just say why didn't I think of that? Will definitely have to pick up some of the comics now.

Working on the Mailing Comments already for my next Blue Rabbit Chronicles zine. Plan to do comments on both of the sample issues, the newest issue which I should get in a couple of weeks, and the self published comics and plays that Scott Marshall sent me.

If I can fit it in also want to get the "Donation Button" up on this site. Not sure, I'm good enough with HTML etc to do that, but I don't think it will be that hard to do. If I can't do it this weekend, it will be up soon. I want this BLOG to be a full featured site. It might as well be, I spend enough time on it...:)

I've had a couple of more possible ideas to use with my Angel Cutter concept. I'd like to combine aspects of Thurdarr the Barbartian and Kamandi. I loved Thundarr when I was young (even if at 8 years old I could tell how crappy the dialogue was). Gemini--Thundarr's arch-nemesis was a great villain, he had two faces on his head. The head would swivel and a plate would open up revealing each face. One was kind and gentle with a kind an gentle voice, the other had raging red eyes with a voice to match. He would flip between faces depending on his mood. Now to adapt these type of ideas for mature readers.

Kamandi was a DC comic about the last boy on Earth. I know some of the comics were done by Jack Kirby. I only had two issues when I was a kid. I must of reread them a thousand times. Similarly to Thundarr, Kamandi lived in a post apocalyptic world with mutant animal men and wizards running around like it was going out of style. I'm curious as to why DC has never done a revival (or at least not a revival that I've heard of).

It's that post apocalypse meets King Arthur feeling that I want to bring to my work.

Thinking a lot lately about the coffee shop Kalisa and I used to go to right outside of Kent State. I no longer remember the name, but they had great Cafe Mocha and you could smoke anywhere in the place which she loved. My mind can still smell it. It had all the coffee house essentials including open mic night. One night a girl read a story of how she was going to get even with her exlover, very disturbing. I couldn't quite figure out if the lover was a man or another a woman. Since it was on a college campus the place was filled with all kinds of people: modern day hippies, beat poets, singer/songwriters, intellectuals and us. Kal and I would just sit there for hours and talk. I miss that, I like talking to her without distractions. And I miss the shop which is now a used car lot.

I wonder what it would be like to open my own coffee shop and have indi-comic books and cool graphic novels for sale there. And yes, a smoking section for people like my wife (I don't smoke) since none of the shops here have smoking sections. I did look into opening a shop at one time, but I'm not really keen on the type of hours restaurant type work requires. But you never know...things could change.

We visted a cool coffee shop the other day called the "Riverside Coffee Mill" in Cuyahoga Falls. I was suprised at how many programs they have there at night from open mic night, to speakers, to concerts.

It's gettling late now, I have to go but let me leave you with this thought, the beginning of something:

At the end of heartache,
Whether I loved her or killed her,
We are all born to lie,
In the black of night.
In the midst of silence,
I cry in blood--a vampire's tears.
And why is that TIME matters not to you--
But to me there is never enough.


-posted by Nobius 12:29 AM #
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