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Monday, November 24, 2003

Rebecca Hagel in Kickstart

Another interesting product review from Kickstart. I have had a lot of inclinations over the years of starting by own business, perhaps this product can help me. Here's the review:

"I've been very unfair to Rebecca Hagel this weekend. I
asked her to 'introduce herself' to Kickstart, but gave
her no idea of what I wanted.

She's risen to the occasion brilliantly, as I knew she
would, and has given us a short 'meet the author'
paragraph or two.

It is always fascinating to read what got people
started, and what motivates them to keep going. Becky
is a really powerful writer - her books and courses are
packed with information but read as if she is right
there in the room with you.

So, over to Rebecca Hagel:

"By training I am an Evolutionary Biopsychologist, but
I started working online while I was still in
psychology grad school.

The first money I made online was selling bayonets on
eBay. This sprang from a hobby of collecting bayonets.
My Significant Other informed me I was spending way too
much money on bayonets, so by necessity I started
selling them on. Figured out how to buy low and sell
high - and the business was born.

Of course, I only really started making money online
when I stopped chasing the money and started crafting
products and sites based around my hobbies and

For a while I worked as a marketer at an online casino
down in Costa Rica. This led to a whole world of
opportunity as I carved out a niche for myself in the
world of online gambling.

About four years ago I noticed something peculiar, or
at least peculiar to my mind at the time. People talked
of wanting to start a business, create a website,
and/or write a book. Six months later you would talk to
these same people, and they had the same inspirations.
Another six months, and they're still not doing what
they aspire to do.

At that time, I wanted to create a web business and I
did. In fact, I pretty much had one up within a few
weeks after first contemplating the idea. So I found
myself asking - why did so many people stumble and make
excuses instead of seriously, honestly reaching for
their goals?

As it turns out, it's pretty common. All sorts of fears
and 'ailments' abound, from fear of failure to analysis
paralysis. I also discovered that all these stumbling
blocks on the road to success could be overcome.

A combination of my thinking about these problems and
my own steps to overcoming them have led to my writing
The Essential Business Success Package. I figured if I
could overcome the blocks that held me back in various
aspects of my life, anyone could. And in fact, I've
helped several people go from a place of inaction, to
putting the wheels in motion on their dreams. It's
really exciting for me to share these moments with my
clients and friends as they move towards their goals.

The first part of the package, "How to Unlock Your
Potential to Succeed" gets people started. But I felt
that many 'how to do it' courses leave people looking a
bit like cartoon characters running off a cliff -
suspended in midair, feet moving at top speed, but
making no headway. They fall because they don't have
the necessary business knowledge to move forward.

That's why "The Beginner's Guide to Marketing and
Making Love" is the second course in my package. It's
designed to put a solid foundation under the reader, so
when they start running with their business idea, they
have something to run on."

Thanks Becky. It is always good to see a flash of the
real person behind the by-line.

You can read a lot more about Rebecca Hagel's
'Essential Business Success Package' at this link:

I'm part way through reading it right now and am very
impressed so far!"

-posted by Nobius 10:18 AM #
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