Nobius truly has a long way to go on my journey toward publishable writing, so this post is not a stab at anyone or a personal jab. I've read many BLOGS, web sites, etc. lately where the author states something like this, "This is what I think...but since no one is reading my web site..." or I've even seen people title their BLOG "This BLOG sucks" even though they write well. If you put that type of negative thought out there, you will only get negative back. If you are stating your writing is terrible or no one is reading it, no one will. As writers, we all have different talents and levels of talent. We are not all blessed enough to be Stephen King or Warren Ellis. All writers write poor material some days, that goes staright to the rubish bin. Writing is an art form that takes much practice and time to master....that fact is common sense. And writing, of course, is a lonely endeavor. So, we as artists must encourage ourselves and other writers always. Through practice, we will grow and improve our skills. Sometimes the only encouragement we receive is the 'pat on the back' we give ourselves. Be proud that you are creating something whether it's a BLOG, a journal, a novel, etc. There is something to be said for people who don't just think about writing, they write. Like you, like me.