The Identity of Man lost in this world of confusing roles. Looking for the new norm, while searching for my norm, society leaves me blind. Who will be the role model, the teacher, the one to let me know? Trying to be me, but I've lost sight of who that is. Am I Nobius or is Nobius me? So many roles, too many hats, off and on the head every moment of your life. Only one seems to fit at a time, and few fit comfortably. Writer, Sales Person, Father, Husband, Son, Friend, Brother, Provider, Care Giver, Student, this, that, everything. The roles of the actor--in which order should they go? What is the priority? What is my life's work? This clown doesn't juggle well. Pushed--pulled--all directions, many needs, my needs become small. While exploring my identity, I bump into yours and yours and yours. This is not my parent's world, the choices are no longer clear cut, and should they be, should they have ever been? Right, wrong? Bring the looking glass, I need to see who I am, where I'm going, and where me went. The Identity Crisis goes on.