I have just a few words for you Mr. Bush: Right now, this moment in time, is America's page in history. Be careful how you write it. Life is forever changed in the post 9-11 world but Iraq has become the lie commonly agreed upon. The Bush doctorine has been used as a weapon against a regime that your family had a personal vendetta against. Or was it--someone else had to pay for that tragic day in September? Though Sadam got what he deserved, the pretenses of this war have become volatile and dangerous. Where are the weapons of mass destruction George? You told us they were there. It was a poweful state of the union address that made me cry. America believed you, and you have betrayed us. Find the weapons, restore the faith. Otherwise we can't help but ask ourselves, what happens when other nations apply the Bush doctorine? And they will. What would happen if China invaded Taiwan in the interests of national security...India invaded Pakistan to stop terrorism...or North Korea invaded South Korea? The ingredients for another world war are cooking on the stove George. You better check the pot, it's boiling over.